Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekly Routine: Salt and Olive Oil Cuticle Scrub

I have a love/hate relationship with my cuticles. I didn't actually know I had a "cuticle issue" until more recently, as I've been regularly taking care of my nails and using my Jamberry nail wraps. You cuticles are actually integral to nail health- they protect your body against infection by forming a seal between your nail and your skin. You know when you go to a salon and they cut your nails. BAD. DO NOT DO THAT. THAT IS SO VERY, VERY BAD. Your cuticles will bleed, they will get infected, and you will be a very unhappy camper. I had some absolute horror stories some girls shared with me on my Facebook site that made me squeal and cringe... here is the most nightmarish... 

"Pedicure a few years ago... Nail tech said- I cut your cuticle! I cut your cuticle real good! -As my foot is bleeding so bad the lady starts running around the salon while my bloody foot in the soaking tub and she gathers her groupies to come show them what had happened. One of the other asian ladies working said... You have hep c or HIV? I was like no but you gonna give me something to take care of this or let me bleed to death!!!'So inappropriate but funny at the same time! Needless to say I haven't been back! To that salon!"

This stuff is gold, I tell ya.
Don't let that happen to you. Luckly, there are some great cuticle-disolving gels you can use to get rid of the "invisible" cuticles that ruin a mani, without putting your health at risk. I use my Sally Hanson Instant Cuticle Remover every two weeks, or whenever I change my Jamicure.

My other regular cuticle routine is a scrub I picked up from my beauty school days. It's cheap, effective, and you don't have to smell like Raspberry Sorbet or Lemon Souffle or whatever perfumed crap they put in the drugstore hand scrubs. Ew, gross, no thanks. Here is my weekly cuticle health routine:

The Salt and Olive Oil Cuticle Scrub

The beauty of this hand scrub is that you already have the ingredients you need- no crazy essential oils or turbanado sugar or anything like that. All you need is a 1:1 ratio of EVOO and Kosher Salt. I always choose Kosher Salt because the granules are thicker, rougher, and best for exfoliation. 

Next, mix the two together. It's not rocket science- you don't need a food processor or a hand mixer or heat. Just mix the two, and submerge your nails and fingertips. 

I would not suggest doing this with your Jamberry nails wraps on- if you don't have an airtight seal, this will act the same as your olive-oil bath you give your wraps before removing. They will end up sliding off into your salt/oil goop. However, if you do this at the end of your relationship with that perticular Jamicure, this is a great way to promote your hand health and safely remove your vinyl wraps without damage. I don't like to kill birds, but this is like maiming two really annoying Stellar Jays with one stone. 

Typically, my ADD only allows me to leave my fingers in here for about five minutes max, but you can always leave them in the salt/oil bath longer. After this, I typically like to use the goop as a hand scrub (over the sink, of course.) Scrub it in there, like when you first learned to wash your hands. Sing the ABC's. Sing the ABC's backwards. Really exfoliate and massage that oil into your cuticles and nails. After you wash this gunk off, you are left with the softest hands and healthiest cuticles EVER. Seriously, try this today and thank me later. Don't forget, Cuticles are friends, not foe. Treat them nicely and your Jamicure will look fabulous and last longer every time. 

 Happy Scrubbing!

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